There has been a lot of talk on Etsy about Zibbet on whether or not to sell strictly on Zibbet or Etsy. The census was to have both which I feel is the best way to go. You know how the saying goes “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” and with the way the world wide web is the more places you have your products/services the merrier in my opinion.
We have been trying for nearly 3 days now to set up a Zibbet account, but due to the overwhelming response to their $7/month fee their servers got overloaded. Well all is well now their servers were back up and running earlier today and it took us about 30 minutes to set up our Zibbet site. Of course we did a lot of copying and pasting. Instead of paying $7/month well now it is $8/month for the premium account we opted for the FREE listing which allows you to list up to 25 items. We chose this route because with all the fees we pay per month from other venues we thought it would be best to do a FREE trial run before committing to an additional fee per month. So if you get a chance check out our Zibbet store. We hope you like it as much as we do.
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