I have been home since late December on maternity leave and have my days when I am bored out of my mind. Since I have the time I have taken the opportunity, while the little Misses is asleep, to make up new batches of soaps, which I discussed in a previous post. Well today, I had the opportunity to take photos of the cut soaps and to learn many features in Gimp. Gimp is a really cool photo editing, enhancement, creation, etc. software that is FREE and from what I have read on various forums it is much like Photoshop. Here are the pictures that I took using my new Sunpak light box that I got for Christmas and my overdue for replacement Sony Cybershot Digital Camera. By the way my 11 year old who is home due to Track Out stamped each soap for me. He has been a great help these past 3 weeks. From top to bottom, Herb & Sprice, Cucumber & Aloe and Brighter Days. Thanks for looking