Today kicks off the First Annual Summer “Yart Sale” Kickoff on Etsy. The sale will run from Wednesday, June 11 to Friday, June 20.
What is Etsy?
Etsy is an online marketplace for buying and selling all things handmade. Their mission is to enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers that would build a new economy and present a better choice. Buy, Sell and Live Handmade!
What is Yart Sale?
Yart Sale is an Artistic Slant to a traditional Yard Sale.
How do I find Yart Sale items?
To find Yart Sale items go to Etsy’s homepage and type “yart” in the search box and choose the appropriate category from the Etsy drop down menu (handmade, supplies, vintage or all items) to view and purchase items you’re looking for.
Do I have to be a member to purchase from Etsy?
Yes and best of all it is FREE and will allow you to shop for unique handmade items found around the world in one convenient place. Happy Shopping!
Be sure to check out our Yart Sale